Welcome to

Saint Joseph's RC

Junior, Infant and Nursery School

Our Governing Board


Foundation Governors

Michael Pemberton*(Chair)
Finance & Staffing Committee

Teresa Kobyra*
Finance & Staffing Committee (Chair)

Alexander Marsh
Finance & Staffing Committee

Winefride Claber
Curriculum & Standards Committee

Brendan Greenwood
Finance & Staffing Committee

Joanne Penketh
Curriculum & Standards Committee


Local Authority Governor

Cllr. Howard Sykes
Finance & Staffing Committee


Parent Governors

Zoe Smith** 
Curriculum & Standards Committee

Jennie Bown** 
Curriculum & Standards Committee


Staff Governors

Maria Bergin
Curriculum & Standards Committee

Garry Needle* (Head Teacher)


Associate Members

Gillian Graham (Pastoral & Spiritual)


Clerk to the Governing Board

Jay Bailey

* Denotes child in school at time of appointment to the governing body

** Denotes child currently in school


From the Governing Board

School governors are one of the largest volunteer workforces in Western Europe. They fulfil a vital role in the modern school environment and their role in a voluntary aided school like ours with a distinctive religious character is even more crucial, as many are appointed directly by our Bishop. The governing body is charged with the role of helping to ensure that standards are maintained, that the school is effectively run and that the best value is achieved when spending school finances.


The governing board of Saint Joseph's has an integral role to play in and is fully committed to the visions and values of our school. As a Catholic school, our faith is at the heart of everything we do; Christ is ever-present in our classrooms, our staff room, our meeting rooms, our work and our play.


We are determined to see all of our children achieve their full potential and carefully monitor both attainment data and progress data to ensure that each and every child in the care of our school is given every possible opportunity - both inside and outside the classroom - to put their God-given talents to the very best use.


It is both an honour and a privilege to serve as governors for Saint Joseph's, and we are acutely aware of the challenges we face and the expectations we must meet. To this end, we are committed to continuous development and self-evaluation. We undertake both internal and external training in order to ensure that our skills and knowledge are kept up to date on the constantly changing educational landscape.


The unique and distinctive character of faith schools like ours is constantly challenged in an increasingly secular society. We believe it is our role as governors to stand up for, to seek to maintain and to strengthen the traditional values which good Catholic schools like ours have engendered for many years. It is our duty to make sure that there is a Catholic school here to serve the families of Saint Joseph’s Shaw for generations to come.


Our governing board currently has one member (Mrs. Winifride Claber) who is a governor at another school (SaintTheresa's, Derker).  Michael Pemberton is a trust director at a local academy trust (Crompton House School). 


Our governing board can be contacted through post.  Please address letters to Mr. M. Pemberton, Chair of Governors and post to the school office.  




Full Governing Board Meeting Dates 2023-24


4 October 2023

29 November 2023

6 March 2024

3 July 2024


All meetings begin at 4:30pm