Welcome to

Saint Joseph's RC

Junior, Infant and Nursery School


5Ws Framework In Saint Joseph’s


The purpose of the 5Ws framework is to reflect the new RE Framework from the Diocese of Salford, which focuses on the 5Ws, rooted in the roots of the early church.  They are as follows:








In pupil speak, these translate as







Welcome (come) – We come together in welcome.

Word (talk) – We talk together as a 'word of God’ community.

Witness (work) – We look at our school mission statement and work together as a witness community.

Welfare (walk) – We walk together as a welfare community.

Worship (pray) – We pray together as a worship community.


Witness (work)

God is central to everything that is done throughout our school and we recognise God is with us in every aspect of our lives.  All our the family of Saint Joseph’s bear witness to our Mission Statement which informs everything we do in our community.  Adults act as role models of our school’s mission and values and are key promoters of the ethos of the school for the pupils.  We are witnesses to the values of the Gospel such as reconciliation, compassion, justice, liberation, service and stewardship in every aspect of school life.  We place our children at the centre of the school’s Mission which is rooted in the life, story, teaching, vision and living tradition of Jesus Christ.  We nurture, support and challenge the pupils to live out and to give witness to the Gospel Values in their everyday experience of school life and by developing their sense of responsibility to play their part in caring activities for good causes in the wider community.  Building community within school is central to everything whilst reaching out to the wider community in service of the common good.  We are witnesses to an earth care ethic and the care of all God’s creation by becoming good stewards of Creation.