Welcome to

Saint Joseph's RC

Junior, Infant and Nursery School


5Ws Framework In Saint Joseph’s


The purpose of the 5Ws framework is to reflect the new RE Framework from the Diocese of Salford, which focuses on the 5Ws, rooted in the roots of the early church.  They are as follows:








In pupil speak, these translate as







Welcome (come) – We come together in welcome.

Word (talk) – We talk together as a 'word of God’ community.

Witness (work) – We look at our school mission statement and work together as a witness community.

Welfare (walk) – We walk together as a welfare community.

Worship (pray) – We pray together as a worship community.


Worship (pray)

Children are given worship opportunities throughout the school (prayer, reflection, liturgies) including small groups, year groups and the whole school which are appropriate to their age.  Worshipping opportunities promote a strong community sense of service for each other.  Worship helps pupils to grow in confidence in prayer and develop a relationship with God.  Through worship, prayer develops pupils’ understanding of belief and attitudes.  Prayer enables pupils to learn reverence and respect and aids their development in ‘talking and listening to God’ and in nurturing their relationship with God.  Children’s faith development is deepened by appropriate prayer and worship opportunities.  Through worship, all are led to reflect, mediate and pray in a way that nurtures the spirituality of the whole community.  In worship the Word of God is celebrated and given reverence. Collective worship is planned, which stimulates reflection on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.  The purpose and value of collective worship is reinforced by celebrations through the liturgical year which also recognise the faiths and beliefs of other people from minority groups within the school.